Buka Benang...
Dah 2 minggu lepas aku operation. Today went to meet Dr.Bee again. Alhamdulillah after scanning everything was fine, my tube was fine & no more cyst. Nasihat Dr.Bee " U're fine now but please don't lift any heavy thing yet!" (yeay happy!)
My cyst still in beginning stage... Dr kata I should be thankfull sebab semua di detect in early stage. Tapi satu yang aku lupa nak inform, Dr.Bee detect aku ada endometriosis.Again Dr kata jangan risau sebab semua still in early stage, but better do the treatment now. Better now than later kan...
Oh ya , pasal buka benang tu.. .sakit gak ok... Memula Dr bersihkan area operation tu, tarik benang tu then terus dia potong. Ngilu yang amat... Lepas dia potong terus dia spray.... Spray apa? Uisk lupa plak aku nak tanya. Tapi lepas spray tu rasa sejuk jek.... Lepas tu ok jer sebenarnya... LOL Nasihat doktor , another 2 weeks tempat benang tu tak leh basah kena kering sentiasa. Tapi tak bermakna tak boleh mandi, lepas mandi kena terus lap kering2la.
Aku dah dapat 1st treatmeant for endometriosis tu. It was Lucrin Depot injection. Kena amik every once a month for next 6 month. Cost for 1 injection nearly RM500.00 . Apa fungsi Lucrin Depot ni? Mesti korang tertanya-tanya juga pasal endometriosis. Nanti next entry la aku cerita...