On the way back from work today I'm listening ERA. Well, the combination between Nana and Jimmy was good and fun. I like "Apa Kes ?!!!" section. In this section they will help the listener to solve their problem. So tonight case make me cry.
There is one guy named Roslan,today is his birthday.So he request Nana and Jimmy to propose Keisha for him. They have been into the relationship for 10 years. And tonite he want to purpose her to marry her. I'm crying while driving when I heard him purpose Keisha. Why do I blog this? Well, I cant believe that Malaysia still have a romantic man.I know some guy out there is romantic but its maybe only 10% of them.
Well as a gurl, women and wife I know some of us we do denied to the romantic gus.Poyolah,menyampahlah. But deep into our heart we feel flatered when our boyfriend or husband buat surprise ke, and jadi romantik.Kan Kan Kan... Cuma malas nak bagi tahu darling sendiri. Pepaham sendiriler kan. As for u Bie... sometimes you are! Thanks dear.