After 5 years

Been silent for so long. Busy with my life
to be a better person for my parents and myself of course.
Alhamdulillah, after 5 years, I am one of Mass Communication graduate now. Kalau
takda sokongan husband, parents, sibling and all my study mates, payah jugak
nak survive hidup belajar sambil kerja dan meniaga.
Dulu lepas SPM, nak sangat amik Mass Comm,
malangnya during my year, Science student kena pilih subject science and
technology je for your Degree. Pernah dapat CGPA below 2.0, buat muka seposen,
jumpa dekan Mass Comm, mintak ehsan supaya aku boleh tukar course. Harapan ke
laut… reject by the dean sebab dia kata semester sebelum ni ok je, kenapa
tetiba drop. Bluweekkk mencik!
Ingat lagi tahun1998 , zaman yang riuh
pasal teknologi, nak tak nak amikla jugak Sofware Engineering, without know
what it is. (malas buat research) At last final year, kelam kabut nak buat own
coding. Lepas tu kerja, ke laut.
Build up myself, and alhamdulillah at age
36, I manage to get what I want 19 years back. Now, the journey will proceed to
step 2. Master abroad!!!!! Too early to think for now, sebab ada lagi major
issue kena fikir for 2016. Tapi, I will still do my research, which Uni that
have a good Master graduate for Mass Comm. Where should I go? UK? US?
Australia? Or local? Scholarship mana perlu applu? Ada lagi ke JPA or MARA? Or
private funder perhaps? Cost of living if abroad? Any idea friend?
People might say “apala sangat sijil2 ni?”
Well, from where I coming from, all of this is to make my parents proud of me. That's
it! Plus, of coursela, untuk memenuhi cita-cita sari darjah satu.
Masa darjah satu dulu, cikgu selalu Tanya nak
jadi apa, untuk di tulis belakang buku report. Jadi si tembun yang naif ni
pilih 3 career – Pramugari, lawyer and lecturer.
- Pramugari – obviously not, size badan dah cancel.
- Lawyer – my English not very good and I hate history .
- Lecturer – Yes!!! Before me 40 years old. In Sya Allah. Moga Allah permudahkan segalanya.