Natrah Season 2 - Part 1

Sekarang ni, I tengah duduk at my seat and watching Maya Karin. Sebenarnya dah lama gila nak tengok theater... tapi selalu saje ada hal. Puteri Gunung Ledang ke Cuci2 Musical ke Tun Mahathir semuanya tinggal niat jek.

Pada mulanya ingat nak presie kat Mr.Hubby because not planned anything for our 4th Aniversary ( dah lepas pun tapi still x berpost my anniversary entri tu)  tapi bila nak beli kat online , mak ai... tinggal yang mahal je Lepas tu ada xtra charges entah apa2 entah... I think not worth it at all.  We need to pay around RM750 for RM110 seats for 6 people... BIG NO!!! Sebab rasanya kalau beli kat box office Istana Budaya seats RM110 tu baru RM100.

Lepas tu kan my sis balik, so we full with activities every single day, so tangguh lagi la niat nak tengok Natrah. Tapi semalam Angah tetiba ajak watch Natrah together with the whole family. Of course I say yes!!!

We went to Istana Budaya, tapi hampa pada mula... Mana tidaknya, todays ticket was fully sold. Tiket yang ada cuma tingkat atas (which I'm not preffered at all) and yang kat bawah cuma tinggal RM150. Wow... that's to much for us because our budget around RM70 - RM100 perseat jeks.

Lama gak we discuss nak choose which seats,either wanna buy or not, worth it or not beli tiket kat seat atas, tetiba adik boz office yang baik hati tu bersuara (bosan kot dgr kita org berborak kat depan dia)

Adik boxx office : Kak, kalau beli lebih dari 5 seats dapat 20% discount.
Me : Apa dik discount?  Aik kalau online  x dapat ek ( I bukan boleh dengar benda2 discount ni)
Adik boxx office :  Kat sini je kak...

Apa lagi terus buat calculation than we bought the RM150 seats, after discount RM120 je...  (isk kalau Mr.Hubby dengar perkataan jek  tu mati aku ) Well lebih sikit dari our budget but still it's a good seats!

Tercapai juga harapan saya... Alhamdulillah (amboi macam nak pi umrah punya harapan - Insya Allah)

P/S : Mr.Hubby sorry yer kalau u terbaca entri ni and know about the real ticket price... Have to bohong sunat la sayang... Nanti you dont agree I pay that much for the ticket. LOL Happy Anniversary sayang... Hope you love it as much I will love it!


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