10% Relief
Ni related dengan entry bank a.k.a along ?? Today I received email frm the BSN clerk. Reason tak reply my mail for a week cox on leave! . Office email kalau dah seminggu cuti bukan kena letak out of office status ke? Tak pastila plak kalau dia terlupa kan? Tapi tak apa at least she's replying my mail.
Apa benda yang aku relief? NI dia...
Interest stop. The only things that can increase up your o/s balance will be the legal fee. They will debit to the customer account from time to time depending on the legal stage.
Alhamdulillah... at least we know interest dah stop... Syukur... But still both of us will do something to pd it lumsup at lest half of the RM15k amount leh jimat babe!!
Apa benda yang aku relief? NI dia...
Interest stop. The only things that can increase up your o/s balance will be the legal fee. They will debit to the customer account from time to time depending on the legal stage.
Alhamdulillah... at least we know interest dah stop... Syukur... But still both of us will do something to pd it lumsup at lest half of the RM15k amount leh jimat babe!!